Arts and culture to enjoy at home

International Women Stone Talk
Sarah was invited to moderate a special session for a group of women sculptors who call themselves The Stone Circle.

Genoa Cemetery
Douglas Robinson says in his episode, ‘An amazing place to see the virtuosity of artisans is to go to the cemetery of Genoa.' As we discover, he's right.

Pramashwar – The Infinite
An enormous statue of an Indian holy saint, Pramashwar – The Infinite, is being carved by Nicola Stagetti at Stagetti Studios for a sanctuary in Hathras, India.

Safe sleeping villages
Extreme times call for extreme measures, but how do we capitalise and make good on the attention drawn to social problems during coronavirus?

Flights in paper
Sometimes we all just want to fly away, but lockdown complicates that, so here's a simple way to take an imaginary trip by using an everyday material – a sheet of paper.

75th anniversary of VE day
Russian-American sculptor Sergey Eylanbekov, describes how he created the Dwight D Eisenhower Memorial in this fascinating video.

Antony Gormley’s ‘Hold’
British sculptor, Antony Gormley has certainly captured the essence of how many of us have felt during recent days with his work Hold.

Glass coronavirus
Luke Jerram, a UK artist from Bristol has produced a glass sculpture of a coronavirus. The 23cm replica of Covid-19 is two million times larger than actual size.

American sculptor, Anna Ladd went to France to contribute to the 1914–18 war effort by producing cosmetic masks for men disfigured in the fighting.

Picasso and paper
'The paper seduced me', Picasso told a friend in 1943. An exhibition at the Royal Academy, London, reveals a lesser known aspect of the artist's practice.

Coronavirus food bank appeal
Artist Lucy Dickens is raising money for the Trussell Trust, a charity supporting food banks across the UK. Donate £50 and she'll create a portrait in coloured pencil.

‘Il Capo’ by Yuri Ancarani
Italian filmmaker Yuri Ancarani captures the otherworldly landscape of a marble quarry in north-west Italy as Il Capo (The Chief) guides his men through the extraction process.

About this blog
Covid-19 turned the world upside down. We last interviewed in February, so episodes do not reflect the current crisis. However, our blog aims to share more topical information.