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We started by talking to artists working in marble in a small town called Pietrasanta, near the quarries of Carrara in northern Italy. 

Generations of sculptors have been coming here since Michelangelo came 500 years ago to find marble for his La Pieta.

We have also made trips to Venice, Liguria, Paris and London to interview people working with wood, metals, leather, pebbles, paint, photography and beetles. We enjoy exploring their relationships with their chosen medium as they tell us their stories. For 2024 our focus is back in Pietrasanta and Carrara meeting more international artists and artisans and learning what motivates them.

satellite map of Italy with a few locations numbered

Italy, with a few locations from the podcast
1. See below, 2. Liguiria region, 3. Venice

satellite map of a mountainous portion of the Italian coast

1. Pietrasanta, 2. Carrara, 3. Viareggio

Running Dog Productions Ltd

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